( Editorial: --> 2402 )
ZAGREB, Aug 7 (Hina) - The pre-trial proceedings in the case against
Dinko Sakic, World War II commander of the Jasenovac concentration
camp, continued Friday with the testimony of Cecilija Cokljat (aged
Cokljat told the Zagreb County Court investigating judge she knew
nothing about Sakic and had learnt about him only recently in
Cokljat, like her husband Milan Bagic who testified yesterday, was
arrested in May 1943 in Osijek.
After she had spent ten days in Osijek prison because of a police
investigation, she was transferred to the Stara Gradiska
concentration camp.
She remained there until October 1944, when she was transferred to
the women's section of the Jasenovac concentration camp.
At the end of December 1944, Cokljat was transferred to a prison in
Zagreb and on January 17, 1945 she was exchanged along with another
15 women for two or three high-ranking German officers in
Cokljat also spoke about the difficult conditions in Stara Gradiska
and Jasenovac.
She recalled when several Ustasha soldiers separated an unknown
number of women and took them away from Jasenovac into an unknown
Cokljat could not say whether the women had been taken away to some
other German prison or to be executed.
Cokljat is one of the main witnesses for initiating an
investigation against Sakic's wife Nada Esperanza Tambic de
Bilanovic Sakic.
Cokljat has no knowledge of Nada Sakic either and the only Ustasha
official she knows by name is the former commander of the women's
section of the Stara Gradiska camp, Maja Buzdon.
(hina) rml /mbr
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