( Editorial: --> 8285 )
SARAJEVO, July 17 (Hina) - The United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees (UNHCR) on Friday stated that the north-eastern Bosnian
town Tuzla was granted open city status, thus qualifying for
additional international community financial assistance for the
refugee return.
According to the Sarajevo-based UNHCR spokeswoman Ariane Quentier,
Tuzla is the 14th municipality in Bosnia-Herzegovina to have been
given open city status, but is specific as being the first major
town and regional centre.
Tuzla is also specific as it has a large number of refugees. City
authorities have always been fully willing to protect the members
of low-number ethnic groups, said Quentier.
She especially emphasised that currently Tuzla has 15 per cent
Croats, as many as in 1991. The number of Serbs is now nine per cent,
as compared to the 15 per cent before the war, but the UNHCR believes
Tuzla continues to be the town with the best relations between
members of various ethnic groups.
Local authorities are very consistent in applying property
protection laws and are especially resolute in responding to
instances when a person or family unjustifiably uses more than one
flat, Quentier said.
(hina) ha jn
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