( Editorial: --> 8802 )
POREC, 2 Feb (Hina) - The camp 'Lanterna' of Porec Riviera Holding
in Istria has won the title 'The Best Camp of the Year' for 1997.
This title was given by readers of the specialised Dutch monthly
'Kampeer & Caravan Kampioan', which is published by the Dutch Royal
Motoring Club (ANVVB).
Five other European camps from Austria, Switzerland, France,
Denmark and the Netherlands have won the same title.
According to Klaudio Stojnic, Marketing Director of Riviera
Holding, the award was even more important as ANVVB's assessment is
especially respected in expert tourist circles.
Last year, Dutch campers were the fourth largest group to visit the
camp 'Lanterna' (50,000 overnight stays).
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021424 MET feb 98
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