( Editorial: --> 6693 )
GASINCI, 23 Jan (Hina) - A group of 19 Bosniak refugees left the
refugee centre Gasinci in eastern Croatia on Friday in an organised
return to the region of Velika Kladusa and Cazin in western Bosnia-
They have lived in the refugee centre since the conflict in that
region of western Bosnia between the 5th Corps of the Bosnia-
Herzegovina Army and a unit loyal to Fikret Abdic who during the war
proclaimed an autonomous region in western Bosnia-Herzegovina.
The coordinator of the Osijek Regional Office for Displaced Persons
and Refugees, Snjezana Covic, said that although it was announced
that 43 Bosniaks would be leaving the refugee centre today, only 19
left because the regional government in Bosnia was not able to find
accommodation for all the returnees.
This is the third convoy organised this year for Bosniaks to return
to the Velika Kladusa and Cazin regions. In those three convoys 372
Bosniak refugees have returned.
In Gasinci there remains 610 refugees, about 100 of them are from
the Velika Kladusa and Cazin regions.
(hina) mm mrb
231316 MET jan 98
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