( Editorial: --> 6493 )
ZAGREB, 22 Jan (Hina) - The talks between a delegation of Croatian
Radio-Television (HRT) and representatives of the European
Parliament and European Commission, held on 20 and 21 January in
Brussels, were talks between equal partners, HRT Director Ivica
Mudrinic and Croatian Television (HTV) Editor-in-Chief Hloverka
Novak Srzic told a press conference in Zagreb on Thursday,
dismissing newspaper headlines saying the Croatian delegation had
been criticised and lectured in Brussels.
Mudrinic said the European Union was not imposing any specific form
of organisation of television, but supported a strong public
television as an independent institution.
The status of HRT in Croatia was judged good, he added.
After the completion of the peaceful reintegration and the
establishment of sovereignty over the whole of Croatia's
territory, HRT is turning towards the development of the Croatian
state, the strengthening of democracy and the establishment of
relations with important partner-institutions in the European
Union and its members, Mudrinic said, announcing visits to Italy's
RAI and Austria's ORF and some other TV stations of Central European
countries which are not EU members.
The talks in Brussels also tackled the political situation in
Croatia, Mudrinic said.
HTV Editor-in-Chief Novak-Srzic said the HRT delegation had
presented ways it would follow social issues in Croatia in
different programmes.
(hina) jn rm
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