( Editorial: --> 4433 )
ZAGREB, 14 January (Hina) - The Croatian Radio Television Board
Wednesday accepted the 1998 Program Plan for Croatian Radio and
Croatian Television.
According to the Program Plan, Croatian Television will this year
transmit on average 47 hours daily across its three channels.
Channel One, the so-called national channel, will mainly transmit
items of national and community importance, which are locally
produced. Channel Two will cover entertainment while sport and
music remain part of Channel Three.
Bozo Kovacevic, a Board member, criticised how the concept for the
informative program was submitted, asserting that certain parts
"look like they were written by the Croatian Government".
Janko Bobetko, another Board member, says the Plan is acceptable
but questions if it can be accomplished, emphasising that
television must be objective and supportive of trends which will
progress Croatia. The program for the diaspora is poor, he said,
suggesting the need for a new approach.
Most members of the Board, including Slavko Mihalic, said that the
Plan lacks a central cultural program.
Croatian Radio Television (HRT) Director, Ivica Mudrinic, said
discussions were held with representatives of Forum 21 (an
association of journalists in the electronic media) in line with
the Board's conclusions. All members of Forum 21 have accepted
HRT's line of direction, Mudrinic said.
In response to Janko Bobetko's question whether there is truth in
press reports that journalist Tihomir Ladisic had been replaced,
Mudrinic answered that Tihomir Ladisic is not editing the news but
working as a journalist in the information program.
(Hina) mm, mrb
141901 MET jan 98
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