( Editorial: --> 2427 )
SARAJEVO, Jan 5 (Hina) - The British Government on Monday invited
the president and three members of a special commission of the
Bosnian Croat-Muslim Federation's Parliament to make an official
visit to the United Kingdom.
The special commission investigates unauthorised spending of
international assistance.
By making the invitation, London wants to publicly support attempts
aimed at shedding light on circumstances of spending funds intended
for reconstruction in Bosnia-Herzegovina, which was also one of the
conclusions of a recent Bonn peace implementation conference.
A statement of the British Embassy in Sarajevo said talks between
members of the federal parliamentary commission and British
officials would cover everything that is being done to ensure full
control over public funds.
The special commission for investigating unauthorised spending was
set up after British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook visited Bosnia
last July. The commission warned several times that high federal
and state officials were refusing to cooperate in the
(hina) ha mm
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