( Editorial: --> 7602 )
SARAJEVO, 11 Dec (Hina) - The existence of Bosniak (Moslem) secret
police, known under the name Agency for Investigation and
Documentation (AID), currently represents the major obstacle to
the establishment of the Federation Interior Ministry, UN
spokesman Alexander Ivanko told reporters Thursday.
Speaking at a press conference in Sarajevo, Ivanko said the Croat
side was rightfully dissatisfied with the existence of the AID and
that its requests for the reorganisation of the agency were
The AID is operating on Federation territory but it is not
responsible to any of the Federation bodies of authority. It is
actually a party intelligence service which is completely under
control of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA), said Ivanko.
The International Police Task Force (IPTF) were dealing with the
AID primarily because the agency's officials had earlier carried
out arrests and carried weapons, Ivanko said.
Ivanko said that some of AID's earlier actions could be categorised
as actions of paramilitary groups.
The IPTF believed that the AID should become part of the Federation
Interior Ministry, which would help establish the responsibility
of the intelligence service for legal actions.
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