The law, which should adjust patients' rights to European standards, guarantees to patients the right to a second opinion, information about their entire condition, possible operations that doctors intend to perform on them, as well as the right to privacy.
The Sabor sent draft laws on income and profit tax, as well as amendments to the law on USKOK (Office for the Prevention of Corruption and Organised Crime) into the second reading.
MPs endorsed several reports including a report on the budget execution in the first six months of this year and the work of the national Olympic Committee in 2003.
Whether the parliament will accept a motion by the Party of Rights (HSP) to establish a commission to probe the leaking of transcripts from the Office of the Croatian President, will be known by mid-December, namely at the end of the ongoing 11th session.
The HSP leader, Anto Djapic, accepted once again the postponement of the vote on his party's proposal. Other opposition parties as well as the ruling Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) asked for the delay, explaining that the formation of such a commission could influence the outcome of the forthcoming presidential elections.
The parliament, which will resume the 11th session on Wednesday, also postponed indefinitely the election of the new ombudsman.