The conference was organised by the Croatian Economists Society and is being held under Mesic's auspices. His note was read by his advisor Dubravko Radosevic.
The president said the current economic development model was not adequate for Croatia's needs and that Croatia must conceive its own economic development strategy before joining the European Union.
Mesic said the monetary policy in 2006 must limit foreign indebtedness, promote export growth and control the growth of bank loans. He added commercial banks should grant more loans for production and exports and less for citizens.
The president said privatisation should continue given that the private sector generated higher profits than the state sector, but also urged continuing with the audit of privatisation and ownership transformation. He added privatisation must be development-oriented, protect public interests, ensure faster economic growth and higher employment, while recognising the right of workers and the local community to share ownership and profits.
Mesic once again advocated drafting a new privatisation law and opening a parliamentary debate on Croatia's economic development.
He said that despite positive results, the economy's profits were low, notably in the manufacturing industry, and that only 12 per cent of earnings were generated abroad.
Mesic also advocated creating an active restructuring policy for the economic sector and changing the regional concentration of companies given that 55 per cent of earnings were generated in Zagreb.
In conclusion, the president said Croatia should define its own economic development strategy in order to increase output, jobs, exports, investment in education and an appropriate social solidarity, and decrease inflation.