SARAJEVO, Sept 24 (Hina) - Representatives of the Catholic and Orthodoxchurches active in Montenegro and the Montenegrin Islamic Community onSaturday visited the Potocari memorial centre near Srebrenica ineastern Bosnia to pay their
respects to the 8,000 Srebrenica Muslimskilled by Serb troops in July 1995.
SARAJEVO, Sept 24 (Hina) - Representatives of the Catholic and
Orthodox churches active in Montenegro and the Montenegrin Islamic Community on
Saturday visited the Potocari memorial centre near Srebrenica in eastern
Bosnia to pay their respects to the 8,000 Srebrenica Muslims killed by Serb
troops in July 1995. According to local media, the unusual visit was
organised by the metropolitan of the Montenegrin Orthodox Church, Mihailo, a
parish priest from Kotor, Branko Sbutega, and the former head of the
Montenegrin Islamic Community, Idriz Demirovic.
The Srebrenica victims will never be forgotten, metropolitan Mihailo
said in Potocari. The Serb Orthodox Church does not recognise either the
metropolitan or the Montenegrin Orthodox Church.
Father Sbutega called on the perpetrators of the Srebrenica crimes to