Investigating judge Mirko Klizinic confirmed that prosecutors had sent the request for the extension of the investigation and that the 52-year-old Davidovic would be again questioned following this request.
Davidovic was arrested in eastern Croatia in mid-June after an amateur video tape was shown at the trial of Slobodan Milosevic before the Hague-based war crimes tribunal as evidence on the involvement of Serbian units such as Scorpions in the July 1995 massacre committed against local Bosnian Muslims in the eastern town of Srebrenica. The tape showed Davidovic taking part in the execution of six young Muslims.
The new charges against this ethnic Serb who lives in eastern Croatia are based on testimonies of two witnesses, former Croatian soldiers, who were captured by Serb rebels and taken to a makeshift camp for prisoners in the eastern Croatian village of Bobota in October 1991. According to the press they told the Vukovar police that they had been physically abused by 'Scorpions' members, including Davidovic, in the camp.
The Zagreb County Office of Prosecutor has already pressed charges against Davidovic on suspicion that he committed war crimes against civil population, and he has stood mute at the his initial appearance before an investigating judge.