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ZAGREB/BRUSSELS, June 29 (Hina) - The European Commission on Wednesdaydecided to launch dialogue on enlargement between civil societystructures of the European Union and candidate countries. Croatia was on Wednesday admitted to
fullmembership of the Wassenaar Arrangement, an organisation for exportcontrols for conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies.Its admission will be officially completed with the exchange ofdiplomatic notes on Thursday. Croatia, Hungary, Austria and the EuropeanUnion (EU) are partners in the "Drava River Basin Project" (DRBP),which is aimed at ensuring sustainable and permanent management of theenvironment in the Drava River basin. The project is part of the EUecological program INTERREG. The Croatian County of Osijek-Baranja and theHungarian County of Baranya on Wednesday signed an agreement oncooperation in protection against natural disasters as a long-termprogramme aimed at increasing public safet