Speaking at the conference which started on Tuesday, the head of the Croatian Defence Ministry's Arms Verification Centre and Service for Arms Control, Mladen Nakic, mentioned some forms of regional security mechanisms, including the Agreement on Sub-regional Arms Control, the Protocol on Prevlaka signed between Croatia and Serbia and Montenegro, and the Regional Arms Control Verification and Implementation Assistance Centre (RACVIAC). Addressing delegations from 55 OSCE member-countries, Nakic called on Serbia and Montenegro to replace military units on the Danube with police forces, which he said would contribute to the development of good neighbourly relations between the two countries.
Serbia and Montenegro Assistant Foreign Minister Zeljko Perovic welcomed the results and cooperation achieved so far in the implementation of the Protocol on Prevlaka, noting that the Vienna conference offered an opportunity to point to the danger of violating security in Kosovo. He reiterated the position of the Serbian government that Kosovo should be given more than autonomy, but less than independence.
Along with Croatia's Ambassador to the OSCE, UN and other international organisations in Vienna, Vladimir Matek, the conference was also attended by representatives from the Croatian ministries of defence and internal affairs.