Mostar as speculationMOSTAR, June 9 (Hina) - The newly-elected President of the CroatianDemocratic Union (HDZ) of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Dragan Covic, hascommented on the statement by the Chief Prosecutor of the Hague-basedInternational
Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY),Carla del Ponte, that fugitive Croatian Army General Ante Gotovina ishiding in Mostar.
MOSTAR, June 9 (Hina) - The newly-elected President of the
Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Dragan Covic, has
commented on the statement by the Chief Prosecutor of the Hague-based
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), Carla del
Ponte, that fugitive Croatian Army General Ante Gotovina is hiding in
Mostar. Covic said on Thursday that the statement, carried by the
Zagreb weekly Globus, was "mere speculation that will bring nothing good."
"If General Gotovina is really in Mostar, then secret services should
have been alerted to resolve the problem rather than come out with (the
information) in public," he told reporters.
The cantonal Ministry of the Interior said on Wednesday it had no
information about any fugitive wanted by the Hague tribunal, including
Gotovina, hiding in Mostar or in the Mostar region.
Covic said that the information about Gotovina hiding in Mostar only
contributed to destabilisation of the Mostar area.