It is difficult to say precisely how many members of representative bodies will be elected, because their number is determined by the status of local self-government units and depends on the number of their residents.
The elections will be organised by county and municipal election commissions whose work will be supervised by the State Election Commission.
Election deadlines will start running on April 10 and the election campaign will officially start on April 24.
Members of representative bodies are elected directly by secret ballot and in line with the proportional election system, with each unit of local self-government making a constituency.
All citizens aged 18 and above with permanent residence in the unit in which elections are organised and where they are registered on voters' lists have the right to vote.
The same conditions apply to candidates running in the elections. The election threshold is five percent, regardless of whether a party is running on its own or as part of a coalition.
Members of representative bodies are elected for a term of four years, which is not binding, they cannot be recalled and their rights and duties start on the day representative bodies are constituted.
Under the new election legislation, the electioneering ban ends at 7 pm after the closure of polling stations.
Exit polls are allowed, but media will face fines if they announce any results before the expiry of the ban.
The last local elections in Croatia were held on May 20, 2001.