The round table was organised in cooperation with the government's Human Rights Office, the OSCE Mission to Croatia and the Migrations Office.
One of the organisers, Bajro Bajric, said a specific Croatian problem was the disunity of Roma associations.
The chief of the Human Rights Office, Luka Madjaric, said that a dozen cases of human trafficking had been recorded in Croatia annually since 2002 and that the victims were solely women. He added that nine cases had been recorded this year.
Madjaric said the national programme against trafficking in humans was one of the government's strategic documents, and that Croatian legislation also punished the clients who use services provided by victims of human trafficking.
Lovorka Marinovic from the Migrations Office said Roma account for about 10 per cent of human trafficking victims in Croatia and that these were solely young girls. She also pointed to insufficient awareness of the issue in the Roma community.
Also attending were representatives of state institutions in charge of human rights and gender equality.