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Education minister attends forum in Kyoto

Autor: ;half;
ZAGREB, Sept 11 (Hina) - Croatian Science, Education and Sports Minister Dragan Primorac is attending "Science and Technology in Society", a September 10-12 forum in Kyoto which has pooled scientists, business people and politicians from more than 100 states, the ministry said on Monday.
ZAGREB, Sept 11 (Hina) - Croatian Science, Education and Sports Minister Dragan Primorac is attending "Science and Technology in Society", a September 10-12 forum in Kyoto which has pooled scientists, business people and politicians from more than 100 states, the ministry said on Monday.

At the plenary session, Primorac outlined the Croatian government's science and education policy. Participants were especially interested in the part of Primorac's talk referring to the introduction of compulsory high school education as a way of turning Croatia into a knowledge-based society.

Minister Primorac also held bilateral meetings with his counterparts from a number of non-European countries, including Japan's State Minister for Science and Technologies Iwao Matsuda and Education, Culture and Sports Minister Kenji Kosaka.

In the part of the conference which dealt with the advantages and ethical dilemmas of human genome research, Primorac gave a talk focusing on international cooperation in the development of forensic sciences in the fight against international terrorism.

Primorac is due to wrap up his visit by attending a ministerial round-table debate on priorities and guidelines in the development of science.

(Hina) ha

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