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Over 45% of Croatians have access to Internet

Autor: ;mses;
ZAGREB, Aug 28 (Hina) - Over 45 percent of Croatians have access to the Internet, and the use of the Internet has stabilised at about 35 percent, the GfK market research agency reported on Monday.
ZAGREB, Aug 28 (Hina) - Over 45 percent of Croatians have access to the Internet, and the use of the Internet has stabilised at about 35 percent, the GfK market research agency reported on Monday.

The survey was conducted in July with data drawn from a diary kept by the sample households.

A majority of Internet users (65 percent) use the web from their homes, with 27 percent using it from work, five percent from universities and three percent from elsewhere.

The most frequent reason for the use of the Internet is sending e-mail (73 percent), followed by searching the web (65 percent) and reading news reports (49 percent).

(Hina) ms

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