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Mesic interested in meeting presidents of Italy, Slovenia

Autor: ;itom;
HVAR, Aug 17 (Hina) - Croatian President Stjepan Mesic said during his informal meeting with reporters on the southern Croatian island of Hvar on Thursday that he was interested in attending a trilateral meeting with the presidents of Italy and Slovenia.
HVAR, Aug 17 (Hina) - Croatian President Stjepan Mesic said during his informal meeting with reporters on the southern Croatian island of Hvar on Thursday that he was interested in attending a trilateral meeting with the presidents of Italy and Slovenia.

Italian President Giorgio Napolitano has sent a letter to Croatian President Stjepan Mesic expressing interest in a meeting of the presidents of Italy, Croatia and Slovenia, at which the chapter of the three countries' recent history would be closed by a reconciliation gesture. Mesic said this initiative was very interesting, stressing however, that the guilt of each people must be individualised..

Mesic said Croatia wanted good cooperation with all neighbouring countries, including Italy and Slovenia.

"But we want that not only execution cases at the end of the war be mentioned. We must tell the complete truth, we must say what really happened in this region where our three peoples live," Mesic said.

Over the past years, the media reported on several occasions about an initiative aimed at honouring the victims of the fascist and communist regimes. The initiative would be realised with the three presidents jointly visiting mass graves containing the bodies of Italians, Croatians and Slovenes.

(Hina) its

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