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Protocol gaffe marks visit by US Order of Malta delegation to parliament

Autor: ;half;
ZAGREB, July 11 (Hina) - A delegation of the Order of Malta in the US visited the Croatian parliament and government on Tuesday, but the visit was marked by a protocol gaffe.
ZAGREB, July 11 (Hina) - A delegation of the Order of Malta in the US visited the Croatian parliament and government on Tuesday, but the visit was marked by a protocol gaffe.

The head of the delegation, Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, did not show up in parliament, where he was expected to meet Speaker Vladimir Seks.

The visit was not cancelled so parliament's protocol office invited the press to cover McCarrick's and Seks's speeches.

When the cardinal failed to show up, the office decided Seks should not address the delegation due to different levels.

McCarrick did show up at the appointed time at the government, where he was received by Prime Minister Ivo Sanader. Seks was also present at the meeting, the government said.

(Hina) ha

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