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Pupovac holds talks with Kosovo Serbs

Autor: ;itom;
ZAGREB, July 11 (Hina) - The president of the Serb People's Council (SNV), Milorad Pupovac, on Tuesday held talks with a delegation of Kosovo Serbs visiting Croatia on the occasion of the 150th anniversary Nikola Tesla's birth.
ZAGREB, July 11 (Hina) - The president of the Serb People's Council (SNV), Milorad Pupovac, on Tuesday held talks with a delegation of Kosovo Serbs visiting Croatia on the occasion of the 150th anniversary Nikola Tesla's birth.

Pupovac told reporters the talks focused on the status and position of Serbs. He welcomed the change of the minority policy in Croatia.

Pupovac said Serbs in Kosovo advocated dialogue with the Albanian majority so as to ensure an appropriate status for Kosovo in cooperation with the international community.

The head of the Kosovo Serb delegation, members of the Kosovo parliament presidency Oliver Ivanovic, said the delegation wanted to get more information about Croatia's position on the Kosovo issue, because Kosovo's future also depended on the positions of countries of the region, including Croatia.

We want Croatia to support the agreed and not the imposed solutions, Ivanovic said. He said the best solution would be a temporary one until the entire Balkans joined the EU.

(Hina) its

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