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Two U.S. combat planes land at Serbian military airport

Autor: ;half;
BELGRADE, June 22 (Hina) - Two US F16 combat aircraft landed at Batajnica military airport near Belgrade on Thursday, which Serbia assessed as a sign of strengthened military cooperation with the United States.
BELGRADE, June 22 (Hina) - Two US F16 combat aircraft landed at Batajnica military airport near Belgrade on Thursday, which Serbia assessed as a sign of strengthened military cooperation with the United States.

The Defence Ministry said in a statement this was a "historic visit" because those were the first US military planes to land at a Serbian military airport.

The ministry said the visit was part of the advancement of Serbia-US military cooperation and was the result of an invitation made to General Charles Wald, commander of the US European command, when he visited Belgrade in March.

(Hina) ha

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