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Almost 200 institutions linked to Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure

Autor: ;mses;
ZAGREB, June 7 (Hina) - Experts of the Zagreb University Computing Centre known as Srce are near completion of a two-year-long project aimed at establishing Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure (AAI) that will link all institutions in the science and higher education sector in the country.
ZAGREB, June 7 (Hina) - Experts of the Zagreb University Computing Centre known as Srce are near completion of a two-year-long project aimed at establishing Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure (AAI) that will link all institutions in the science and higher education sector in the country.

On that occasion, Srce representatives and officials of the Ministry of Science and Education held a news conference in Zagreb on Wednesday to inform the public about the progress of the project, officially called AAI@ EduHr.

Almost 200 institutions are covered by the project. The system has already been connected to the pan-European roaming system (,

(Hina) ms

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