"Every single country should be judged on its own merit. That was always a principle in the EU in the way it conducts negotiations," Sanader said in an interview with the Euobserver paper on Wednesday.
"But if Croatia was stopped, everyone would lose hope," Sanader said, adding that successful EU talks would be "a great message to our neighbours, as they would see that if they continue with reforms, they will have the same future".
"The EU (membership) perspective should be maintained for the region. When they (the other western Balkan states) should join - that is a different issue, but the possibility of membership should be kept," the paper quoted the Croatian PM as saying.
Sanader went on to say that it was "logical" Europe was uneasy about future enlargement of the EU but that this should not affect current membership talks with Croatia.
"Our talks are being held at a technical level so they don't go together with the debate in Europe about its future borders," he said.
Sanader expects Croatia will have most difficulties with legislation on agriculture, the environment and state subsidies.
On top of that, it will also have to solve two border disputes with Slovenia and Italy's call for its citizens to be able to buy real estate in Croatia, the paper says.