According to the head of the Harburg - Freudenberger Belisc company's public relations office, Branko Vrbosic, a total of 800 machines for the production of tyres have been made in the company based in eastern Croatia. The products havce been placed world wide.
Belisce: Delivery of machines for U.S. South America startsBELISCE, March 24 (Hina) - The Harburg - Freudenberger Belisce companyon Friday started delivering 32 machines for the US tyre factoryGoodyear and two for South America, as
part of the export programmeworth EUR9.5 million.
BELISCE, March 24 (Hina) - The Harburg - Freudenberger Belisce
company on Friday started delivering 32 machines for the US tyre factory
Goodyear and two for South America, as part of the export programme worth
EUR9.5 million.
(Hina) it