The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) on Thursday issued a press release on its web site reading that "Trial Chamber I of the Tribunal today ordered that relevant confidential materials in the case against Slobodan Milosevic be made available to Dutch authorities and a special Tribunal inquiry team."
"In today"s order, Trial Chamber I stated that certain materials in the case were treated as confidential often because personal information about Slobodan Milosevic is contained in them. It further stated that the Tribunal generally protects privacy interests of the accused. However, the Trial Chamber stated that once an accused is deceased and there is a need for a full inquiry, or an obligation to facilitate a Dutch inquest, then the interest of these investigations in unimpeded access to information outweighs any residual privacy interests," the press release reads.
"The Trial Chamber further ordered that these materials remain confidential, unless and to the extent the interests of the Dutch authorities" inquest and the Tribunal"s inquiry dictate otherwise".
The ICTY charged Milosevic with genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina and crimes against humanity in Croatia and Kosovo.