"Politika" daily published the news under the headline "Death of Milosevic", "Vecernje novosti" published Milosevic's photo and the headline "Milosevic Dies in his Hague Prison Cell", while "Glas javnosti" ran the headline "Hague Kills Milosevic". The tabloid "Press" published the news under the same headline, while another tabloid, "Kurir", published Milosevic's photo and the headline "Killed".
The press carried statements by foreign and domestic politicians, as well as those by Milosevic's family, speculating where Milosevic will be buried, in Belgrade, as requested by his Socialist Party of Serbia, or in Russia, as reportedly demanded by his wife Mirjana.
Vecernje Novosti published two obituaries, one being by the Socialist Party of Serbia, whose president Milosevic was despite the fact that he spent the last five years as an indictee in The Hague. The party wrote: "Our president was killed while defending Serbia. Serbia and the Socialist Party of Serbia are proud to have been under his leadership and to have been his contemporaries. History would never forgive us if we gave up on what he fought for. Until the final victory!".
The other obituary said that the People's Socialist Party of Montenegro was "bidding farewell to the best Serbian son of the past century" and that Milosevic was "the last line of defence of justice and truth about the tragedy of a nation" and "an example of heroism, humanity and resistance for all true Serb patriots".
All dailies published an extensive biography of Milosevic.