The Hlipo index is the result of cooperation between the Hendal market survey agency and the Lider business weekly.
The value describing business expectations over the next six months was 114.5 points, while the evaluation of the current business situation was 99.9 points.
The survey showed that optimism regarding industrial output was 116.5 points and that it was ascending, which coincided with the revival of industrial output in the second quarter of 2005. Expectations for the next six months are even more optimistic.
The construction industry optimism index was 113.6 points and in tourism it was 118.1 points, which was indicative of the good results achieved in the sector last year -- nearly 10 million tourists and 51.4 million overnights.
At 101.2 points the trade optimism index was stagnating, while the transport and services optimism index was 105.1 points.