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PM Sanader comments on SDP's economic platform, taxation of shares

Autor: ;rmli;
KOSTRENA, March 6 (Hina) - Prime Minister Ivo Sanader said on Tuesday that he would like to see the economic platform of the Social Democratic Party (SDP), but that he would decline it if it resembled the platform of the former SDP-led government, which sent the Viktor Lenac shipyard into bankruptcy after its election defeat.
KOSTRENA, March 6 (Hina) - Prime Minister Ivo Sanader said on Tuesday that he would like to see the economic platform of the Social Democratic Party (SDP), but that he would decline it if it resembled the platform of the former SDP-led government, which sent the Viktor Lenac shipyard into bankruptcy after its election defeat.

Sanader made the statement at the "Viktor Lenac" shipyard after a ceremony at which the "Uljanik" shipyard and the "Tankerska Plovidba" shipping company signed an agreement on the purchase of state claims from the "Viktor Lenac" shipyard.

"I don't believe the platform contains anything worth a comment, I haven't seen it yet, but our response to the SDP's economic platform is today's event and the joy of 'Viktor Lenac' workers," Sanader said.

Asked about the SDP's announcement about the introduction of taxes on shares of corporate stocks, Sanader said that this was nothing new in European countries and that tax experts at the Finance Ministry had been thinking about it for some time, but that the government believed that it was too soon to introduce taxes on shares.

When citizens become stronger in terms of capital and start trading in shares, we will be able to talk about the introduction of taxes on shares, he said.

Asked if Croatia would drop its lawsuit and war reparations claim against Serbia and Montenegro before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), Sanader said that Croatian legal experts were analysing the ICJ's verdict in the case of Bosnia's genocide lawsuit against Serbia and would inform the state leadership of their findings.

Asked about a possible location for a Liquefied Natural Gas terminal in Croatia, the PM said that Istria seemed to be the likeliest candidate.

(Hina) rml

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