According to a statement issued by the council for the cooperation with the ICTY, during his talks with Ljajic, Brammertz stressed that the issue of the two remaining fugitives, Ratko Mladic and Goran Hadzic wanted by the ICTY, remained a major problem in the cooperation between Belgrade and the Hague-based tribunal.
In relation to Serbia's initiative that convicts with final verdicts from ICTY could serve their prison terms in countries whose citizenship they hold, Brammertz said he could not currently support such an idea.
According to a press release from the Office of Serbian President, Tadic said Serbia would continue fully cooperating with the UN tribunal.
Tadic said Serbia had so far extradited to the tribunal 44 people indicted for war crimes and that it was intensively searching for the two remaining fugitives.
On Tuesday, Brammertz will hold talks with Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic.