U.S. pamuk prodaja na tržištu - 13. svibnja 1997.
Ukupna prodaja na 7 tržišta
u SAD-u 12,538 ( 756 prijašnji dan)
Prosiječna cijena 1-1/16 inch cotton
69,31 centi (69,39 prijašnji dan)
NEW YORK - pamuk zatvaranje - 13. svibnja 1997.
JUL7 72.35 72.65 72.75 72.10 72.30 72.33
OCT7 73.69 73.95 74.00 73.65 73.69 73.69
DEC7 74.50 74.75 74.75 74.30 74.45 74.48
MAR8 75.90 76.05 76.05 75.90 75.70 75.73
MAY8 76.45 76.40 76.43
JUL8 76.95 76.80 76.83
OCT8 74.90 74.80 74.83
DEC8 73.80 74.03 74.03 73.80 73.80 73.80
MAR9 75.05 74.90 74.95
NYCE cotton ends off, more plantings than expected
NEW YORK, May 13 (Reuter) - NYCE cotton futures closed
weaker as sentiment was dampened by a better-than-expected
plantings report, dealers said.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture issued a plantings
progress report late Monday which showed planting continues to
run behind last year's level.
USDA said 44 percent of the crop was planted compared with
51 percent a year ago.
"It's just an easing back," Steve Platt of Dean Witter
said. "I thought the plantings report was a little negative
and may have helped encourage some profit-taking. I did not
show the kinds of delays some people thought might have been
Some dealers had expected more delays in plantings in the
South East Delta.
The most-active July contract ended 0.37 cent weaker at
72.33 cents per lb, after trading in a narrow range between
72.75 and 72.10 cents.
New-crop December finished 0.19 cent lower at 74.48 cents.
Volume was estimated at 6,000 lots compared with Monday's
official 17,627 lots.
Support in the July contract was pegged at 72.00 to 72.30
cents, with resistance at 73.00 cents.
141037 MET may 97
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