U.S. pamuk prodaja na tržištu - 18. veljače 1998.
Ukupna prodaja na 7 tržišta
u SAD-u 11,220 ( 11,243 prijašnji dan)
Prosiječna cijena 1-1/16 inch cotton
63,09 centi (63,52 prijašnji dan)
NEW YORK - pamuk zatvaranje - 18. veljače 1998.
MAR8 65.45 65.80 66.05 65.35 65.40 65.43
MAY8 66.60 66.90 67.15 66.50 66.50 66.52
JUL8 67.90 68.20 68.30 67.90 67.90 67.90
OCT8 70.20 70.60 70.60 70.20 70.20 70.20
DEC8 71.60 71.90 71.95 71.60 71.60 71.60
MAR9 72.70 72.90 72.90 72.70 72.70 72.70
MAY9 73.40 73.40 73.50 73.40 73.25 73.30
JUL9 73.90 73.85 73.90
OCT9 72.85 72.80 72.85
DEC9 72.40 72.50 72.55
NYCE cotton ends down, March sinks to 3-week low
NEW YORK, Feb 18 (Reuters) - NYCE cotton futures sank for
the fifth consecutive session Wednesday, with an afternoon round
of fund selling pushing prices toward the day's lows, market
sources said.
Spot March cotton slumped 0.51 cent to 65.43 cents a lb, its
lowest settlement since Jan 27 after ranging between 66.05 and
65.35 cents. Second-month May fell 0.61 cent to 66.52 cents,
while the remaining months finished down 0.05 to 0.42 cent.
"Funds got a scare last week and covered and now look to be
coming back in on the short side," said Smith barney vice
president David Brandon Jr. "I think they're intent on having
May go to where March is."
Last week's short-covering by speculators, including
commodity funds, was reflected in the weekly spec/hedge report.
The NYCE data showed a reduction in the speculative net short
position to 13 percent as of Feb 13, compared with 16.5 percent
the previous week.
But a recent spate of bearish news has brought speculators
back in selling the market short, Brandon said.
"The market has been acting sick the last several days," he
said. "I think it's preoccupied with talk of cancellations and
news stories about problems getting cotton distributed in
He added, "The market's trying to work a careful balance
between supply and demand, with an ending stock figure below 4.0
million. Prices need to stay down to make significant progress
in our export sales pace."
Market participants also noted activity during the day
focused on liquidation and rollover of March positions ahead of
the spot month's first notice day on Feb 23.
As of Feb 17, March open interest stood at a still
relatively hefty 15,971 lots, down 5,703 lots from the previous
session. Meanwhile, May open interest rose 2,145 lots to 24,333
Volume Wednesday was brisk at an estimated 28,000 lots,
compared with Tuesday's official tally of 24,339 lots.
Due to the U.S. Presidents Day holiday on Monday, USDA's
weekly export report, normally released on Thursday, will be
postponed until Friday at 0830 EST.
191205 MET feb 98
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