05. veljače 1998.
cijene su u australskim centima po kg
Fine merino 19m 886 Med merino 21m 675n
Fine merino 20m 785n Med merino 22m 651n
Broad merino 23m 569n Comeback 25m 530n
Broad merino 24m 540n Comeback 26m 518n
Fine Xbred 27m 508n Med Xbred 29m 494n
Fine Xbred 28m 497n Med Xbred 30m 466n
Med Xbred 31m 457n Merino cardings 393n
Xbred cardings 378n Eastern mkt ind 619
Australia wool indicator rises 3 cents to 619c/kg
MELBOURNE, Feb 5 (Reuters) - The Australian wool market
eastern indicator rose three cents to 619 cents a kg clean on
Thursday at sales in Goulburn and Melbourne, Wool International
Merino fleece was mixed, with 19/24 microns unchanged, 20m
one percent dearer, 21/26m up to 0.5 percent dearer, 22/25m up
to 0.5 percent cheaper and 23m 1.5 percent dearer, while merino
skirtings were generally unchanged.
In crossbreds, 27/28/30m were unchanged with 29/31m slightly
dearer, while cardings also were slightly dearer.
WI said trading saw general competition with most sectors
Of the 17,067 bales offered, 16.7 percent were passed in.
In early Fremantle trading, merino fleece of 21/22/23/24m
and merino skirtings were generally unchanged.
Sales continue next week in Sydney, Geelong and Fremantle
with about 80,000 bales to be offered.
Bradford - cijene vune - 09. veljače 1998.
cijene u penijima/kg
70s SUPER 443 58s SUPER 334
66s SUPER 416 58s BLENDED 321
64s SUPER 376 56s SUPER 320
64s BLENDED 370 54s CARDED 306
60s SUPER 347 50s CARDED 270
60s BLENDED 343 58s ENGLISH 245
56s ENGLISH 239
50s ENGLISH 235
Bradford wool mkt saw improved enquiry/new orders
LONDON, Feb 9 (Reuters) - A small upturn in the Australian
market last week resulted in an improvement in enquiry and new
orders at Monday's sale, brokers said.
However, some firms were still saying that business was
quiet and difficult, they added.
Talk of better demand prospects from China, and the view
that after a long decline, an upturn at this stage of the season
was overdue, lent some brokers to feel slightly more bullish
than of late.
Topmakers' quotations were mostly unchanged, but some gains
were posted. 64's super rose six pence per kilo to 376.
101355 MET feb 98
Euroliga: Baskonia svladala Panathinaikos, pet koševa Šamanića
Ligue 1: Preokret i pobjeda Lillea protiv Nice
Premijera predstave "Pir malograđana" Gradskog kazališta "Zorin dom"
Reakcije stranaka na videosnimku ministra Dabre, traže ostavku
La Liga: Espanyol - Valladolid 2-1, Jurić igrao do 83. minute
Martinović; Nadamo se dobrim vijestima o Duvnjaku
Polarno vrijeme zahvatit će veći dio Sjedinjenih Država
SP Rukomet: rezultati i ljestvice (2)
Serie A: Šesta domaća pobjeda u nizu Rome
Bundesliga: Eintracht - Borussia (D) 2-0, Marmoush u Manchester Cityju