MOSTAR, Nov 18 (HABENA/Hina) - In connection with the events
concerning the pulling down of the Old Bridge in Mostar, the head
of the Office of the President of the Croatian Republic of Herzeg-
Bosnia, Vladislav Pogarcic, forwarded a letter to UN Secretary-
General Boutros Boutros-Ghali on Thursday. The letter, quoted by
Herzeg-Bosnia's news agency HABENA, among other things said:
"... On the day the Old Bridge was pulled down, 9 November 1993,
Croatian and Moslem forces in Mostar exchanged mortar fire. The
Moslem forces on the right bank of the River Neretva were on the
retreat, and the time the bridge was pulled down coincides with
their retreat. It also should be stressed that the Moslem forces
had controlled the Old Bridge and its immediate surroundings
several months before its destruction," said the letter.
"Only explosive planted under the bridge and heavy artillery could
pull the bridge down. I have to stress once more that on that day
Croatian Defence Council (HVO) troops used only mortars. Mortar
projectiles, even if they had hit a target directly, would have
inflicted only minor damage on the Old Bridge (as during Serb
shelling from April to July 1992). Croats in Bosnia-Herzegovina
strongly condemn accusations by the Moslem-led Government of
Bosnia-Herzegovina, hypocrisy in their letter to the UN Security
Council, and request an urgent and independent investigation so as
to find out how the Old Bridge was pulled down," said the letter.
182238 MET nov 93
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