ZAGREB, Nov 10 (Hina) - Archbishop of Zagreb, Cardinal Franjo Kuharic
forwarded Wednesday a letter to UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros Ghali
warning him about the tragic position of Croats in central Bosnia.
"There can be no lifting of responsibility for the current situation in
Bosnia," said Cardinal Kuharic in the letter. "Bosnia is not a place of
ethnic or religious conflict but of conflict between evil and good. You are
a key to stop killing and suffering of innocent civilians. I beg you to use
all your strength on the side of life," said Kuharic.
Cardinal Kuharic reminds in the letter that "since the existence of
Croatian people as a nation and from the very beginning of Christianity in
Europe, Central Bosnia has been one of its cultural centers. At the same
time, it is a historical and existing region of Croatian life. Since the
beginning of the war, 153 Croatian towns and villages in Central Bosnia
have been destroyed and occupied, at least 120,000 Croats had to leave
their homes, more than 1,000 civilians have been killed, more than 200
brutally massacred. More than 50 children have been killed."
The Cardinal further said that genocide has been performed in four
Croatian enclaves in Central Bosnia. He warned that humanitarian
organizations did not manage to provide Nova Bila hospital with necessary
supplies. Physicians and Franciscan monks founded together an improvised
hospital in Nova Bila on 10 December 1992 "to treat equally all people
regardless of their faith and nationality". Cardinal Kuharic requested the
Secretary General to secure the communication with the Franciscan Hospital
in Nova Bila and to name his personal representative to be present at the
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