ZAGREB, Nov 4 (Hina) - The Croatian Government dropped the
current Mass Media Bill and decided to start the elaboration of a
new bill which would entirely regulate the issue of freedom of
mass media, it was concluded today at the meeting of
Coordination for Interior Politics of the Croatian Government,
presided by Deputy Premier Vladimir Seks. The new bill would be
made following the acts in the democratic European countries and
the principles established by the conventions of the Council of
At the meeting, at which editors-in-chief of the Croatian media
were also present, Deputy Premier Seks suggested that the new act
be called Freedom of Mass Media Act, as a similar act in France
is called. Apart from all the competent and interested persons
in Croatia, experts from the Council of Europe will also be
invited to participate in the elaboration of the bill. The Act
will depart from the principles of the European convention on the
rights of man (Council of Europe), adopted by the Croatian
Parliament, and also from other international documents in that
sphere. It was concluded that the discussion on the new act be
fully open to the public.
(end) j-jt
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