SPLIT/DIVULJE, Dec 6 (Hina) - UN Peace Force would not retreat from
Bosnia and Herzegovina, for the time being, British Defence
Minister, Malcolm Rifkind, today told a press conference in the UN
base at Divulje near Croatian port of Split. He held the conference
after he had returned from central Bosnia.
It was clear, however, from his statements that preparations
for British UN troops pull-out from Bosnia were under way for the
state of emergency.
Commenting on a statement that another group of UN peace
keepers were detained this morning in Banja Luka (Serb-held city in
northwest Bosnia) and answering the question how long UN would
tolerate this, Rifkind replied that in the past two years there had
been a large number of similar incidents, and as long as the UN
peace keepers' lives were not seriously jeopardized, UN would not
intervene. There was always risk on fronts, he added.
(hina) mar rv mms
061754 MET dec 94
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