ZAGREB, Nov 6 (Hina) - Croatian foreign minister Mate Granic
today met the ambassadors of Contact Group member states and
ambassadors to the International Conference on the Former
Yugoslavia. In a separate meeting he also spoke with the special
envoys of Contact Group members.
Granic told reporters that both meetings concentrated on the
situation in occupied Croatian territories and Bosnia-
Granic said he informed the foreign diplomats of his recent
talks with Yugoslav foreign minister Vladislav Jovanovic,
reiterating Croatia's stance that a further normalization of
relations was not possible without Yugoslavia recognizing Croatia
within its internationally-accepted borders.
Granic stressed that the recognition would be a firm
indicator of Croatia's territorial integrity and sovereignty as
well as the reintegration of the UNPAs into its administrative
Speaking of the peace process in Croatia, Granic quoted US
ambassador Peter Galbraith as saying that it was agreed that
Croatia's territorial integrity and sovereignty would be
On the current situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Granic said
it was a result of the Serb rejection of the Contact Group peace
plan. Therefore, he stressed, the Contact Group would isolate the
Bosnian Serbs.
Granic said the involvment of nearly 2,000 Croatian Serbs in
Bosnian fighting was particularly disturbing.
According to Granic, the talks also focused on possible
effects of current developments in Bosnia-Herzegovina, if the
Serbs continued to reject the peace plan, and their reflection on
Granic concluded by saying that the peace process continued
and that the problem of occupied Croatian territories would be
solved in parallel with the peace process in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
(hina) vm
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