NEW YORK, Nov 3 (Hina) - "This debate today and the draft
resolution before us should serve as a forum to remember and
reaffirm (...) our solemn responsibility to humanity - to stand up
and defend the innocent from archaic ideologies, barbarism and
state-sponsored mass murder. The role of the Belgrade leadership in
this cannot and should not be minimised nor traded away," Croatian
Ambassador to the UN told the UN General Assembly today.
"The International Tribunal for punishment of war crimes does
give us hope that Omarska and many other such testimonials to
genocide will not be forgotten nor erased by hasty and easy
political manoeuvres," he said.
"In this regard, the Assembly must remain cognizant of its
decisions to reject all attempts by the new entity called the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) can assume
neither the sole nor automatic succession of the former Member
Nobilo said the international community's policy od good
intentions, despite obvious shortcomings, had some positive
elements: humanitarian assistance, legal protection for pre-war
borders and the International Tribunal.
Nobilo recalled that Croatia's efforts "have saved and cared
for some 800,000 victims of Belgrade aggression in Bosnia-
"Croatia has contributed some US$ 832 million for care of
Bosnian refugees through 1993, and will continue to do whatever is
reasonably possible in this regard," NObilo said.
Reiterating Croatian Government's support to the Washington
Agreements, Nobilo deplored the "worrisome" fact that "since the
Washington Agreements were signed, some 40,000 Bosnian Croats have
departed from some areas under control of the Federation."
"We are also concerned by reports about the expulsion of
Bosniac Moslems from Mostar," he said.
Nobilo stressed the importance of border supervision in view
of "coordinated activities of Bosnian Serb paramilitary units and
Serb paramilitary units from the occupied territories of Croatia."
He noted that "Croatia reserved the right to act with all
appropriate means against any military involvement from its
sovereign territory against the Republic of Bosnia and
(hina) jn as
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