ZAGREB, 17 (Hina) - The President of the Republic of Croatia, Dr.
Franjo Tudjman, received today American ambassador, Charles Radman,
the U.S. President's special envoy at the Conference on the Former
Yugoslavia, accompanied by the U.S. Ambassador to Croatia, Peter
Galbraith, according to a statement issued this evening by the
Presidential Office of the Republic of Croatia.
They discussed the current situation in connection with the
crisis in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Ambassador Radman emphasized
determination of the U.S.A. as well as of NATO to persist in the
removal of the heavy weaponry from the surroundings of Sarajevo.
New proposals on the constitution of B-H with the emphasis on the
maintaining national and economic interest of the Croatian people
in that state were considered at this meeting. As regards
aspirations to achieve as soon as possible a just and lasting
peace, Radman expressed the readiness of the U.S.A. to be engaged
more that before in this field. Assessing positively all the
proposals and peace initiatives made so far by President Tudjman,
ambassador Radman stressed the necessity of such constructive role
of Croatia in the next period of peace process.
President Tudjman reiterated the main guidelines of Croatia's
politics directed at achieving a just peace, in which the
preservation of the Croatian people in Bosnia-Herzegovina could not
be endangered, as it was the case in the last fifty years. He also
reiterated resolution of the Croatian authorities to contribute,
directly as well as by exerting influence on the Bosnian Croats, to
the establishment of peace on those territories, according to the
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