ZAGREB, Feb 17 (Hina) - The Zagreb daily Vjesnik published on
Thursday the article by Darko Pavicic about "possible retirement of
Cardinal Franjo Kuharic during this year", which was titled "Does
Kuharic leaves?". The author reminds that Catholic News Agency
(IKA) reported these days that Cardinal would celebrate 75th
birthday on April 15 and, following permanently established rules
of the Church, he would suggest to the Pope to nominate his
heritor. According to Vjesnik, IKA says that "the Pope don't have
to accept such offer of resignation, i.e. he can put it off".
Vjesnik is posing the question if the Cardinal can really
retire in this crucial period, while we are facing so many
temptations not only in Croatia but also in Bosnia. "Can the
Cardinal neglect his very important role in this period of time?
Can the Pope do that?"
Stressing that Cardinal Kuharic is the person with the
strongest attitude on all key issues important for the future of
the people, which he showed in the last few crisis years, and that
the Church "does not indulge in any political pressures", Vjesnik
says that it will not be realistic to expect Cardinal Kuharic's
retirement immediately when he becomes 75 years old.
171303 MET feb 94
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