LIVNO, Feb 8 (Hina) - An emergency session of the Herzeg-Bosnian
Parliament's House of Representatives began in Livno on Tuesday
morning. Out of 66 representatives, 40 are present, which is
sufficient for the proceedings to be valid.
The session is attended by representatives of the Catholic
Church, members of the Herzeg-Bosnian Government led by Prime
Minister Jadranko Prlic, members of the Bosnian Presidency Fikret
Abdic and Franjo Boras and Croatian Ambassador to Bosnia-
Herzegovina Zdravko Sancevic.
Croatian Foreign and Deputy Prime Minister Mate Granic is
attending the session on behalf of Croatian President Franjo
Tudjman. The session is also attended by member of the Croatian
Democratic Union (HDZ) steering committee Ivan Milas, Croatian
Defence Minister Gojko Susak, three HDZ representatives in the
Croatian Parliament, and prefects of the Dubrovnik and Split
Leader of the Croatian Social Liberal Party Drazen Budisa,
the Croatian Party of Rights' representative Ante Djapic, leader of
the Croatian Party Hrvoje Sosic, the Croatian Muslim Democratic
Party's leader Mirsad Baksic, leader of the Zagreb-based Muslim
Democratic Party for Bosnia-Herzegovina Armin Pohara and member of
the Mostar Serb Community Milan Bodiroga are also present at the
Sixty-one foreign and local journalists are covering the
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