ZAGREB, Feb 16 (Hina) - The special investigation team of UNPROFOR
could not definitely establish the fact who fired mortar shell on
Sarajevo Market place on February 5 when 68 people were killed.
This is the summary of detail investigative report presented to
journalists today in Zagreb by the team leader, Canadian colonel
Michael Gauthier.
Gauthier said that investigators collected physical evidences,
interrogated 13 witnesses as well as UNPROFOR military personnel
and U.N. military observers.
The written report of investigators that was presented to
Yasushi Akashi on Tuesday and sent to the U.N. Secretary General,
says that the explosion on Sarajevo Market was caused by 120 mm
high explosive mortar bomb.
"The mortar bomb detonated upon impact with the ground", said
Gauthier. It can be concluded that the explosion occurred between
1210 and 1215 hours on February 5.
Canadian officer said that the bomb was fired from north-
northeast direction. "It was not possible to estimate with any
acceptable degree of accuracy the angle of descent because it
depends on one of six possible kind of charges", he said. "The
possible distance of origin of fire is between 300 meters and 5,5
kilometers", explained Gauthier and added that both B-H Army and
Bosnian Serb forces are known to have 120 mm mortars and the bombs
to go along with them. The distance of origin of fire clearly
overlaps each side of the confrontation line by 2,000 meters.
Gauthier said that only the spot of impact could not be
investigated in details because right upon the explosion UNPROFOR
dig out the back part of mortar bomb and sustained damage on entry
crater. Colonel Gauthier concluded that 68 people were killed and
more than were 200 wounded.
161658 MET feb 94
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