ZAGREB, Feb 5 (Hina) - Special envoy of UN Secretary General
Yasushi Akashi gave his statement yesterday concerning the massacre
in Sarajevo, issued by the UNPROFOR Public Relations Office in
Zagreb. The statement is here fully quoted:
"I express my outrage, and that of the whole international
community, at this unspeakable act of barbarity, which exploded in
the middle of a large crowd of civilians who were shopping in the
market on a Saturday afternoon. I shall travel to Sarajevo tomorrow
morning (Sunday) with the UNPROFOR Force Commander, General Jean
Cot. We shall be carrying some specific proposals to the parties
for concrete action to reduce the tension."
The statement also said the massacre "was caused by a single,
120mm mortar bomb fired from north-east of the market". Yet the
UNPROFOR military experts, "after analyzing the explosion crater,
have not, so far, been able to determine with certainty the exact
origin of launch of the mortar", said the statement among others.
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