FRANKFURT, Feb 6 (Hina) - According to the plans of the announced
American evacuation of wounded from Sarajevo, victims to whom the
toll of yesterday's massacre of 66 killed and 197 wounded are
added, Sunday morning the United States European Command "plans to
send a C-130 aircraft with a medical assessment team to Sarajevo
to start the assistance effort", it was reported from the US Air
Base Rhein-Main near Frankfurt.
"The assessment team includes eight medical specialists who
will determine the number of wounded who require evacuation and the
types of injuries requiring treatment. Also on the team is an
officer who will coordinate the US effort with UN authorities in
Sarajevo", said the Command's news release.
"Once the assessment has been made, the European Command will
send medical evacuation aircraft to Sarajevo. We will not know when
the first evacuation flights will arrive until the assessment has
been made, but the aircraft are on an alert status at the Rhein-
Main Air Base in Germany", added the release.
The source also said that it was still unknown where the
Sarajevo wounded would be taken. Besides the US Army field hospital
in Zagreb, mentioned also are the US medical facilities at several
bases in Germany among which the largest is at Landstuhl, near
"The US European Command has a variety of aircraft available
for medical evacuation purposes. These aircraft are: C-130s, C-141s
and C-9s. It is unknown at this time which aircraft or how many
will be utilized in this humanitarian effort", stated among others
the release.
061055 MET feb 94
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