ZAGREB, Feb 3 (Hina) - UN Force Commander Gen. Jean Cot on Thursday
lodged a protest with the "Zagreb authorities" over an incident
involving Croatian army soldiers, members of the Canadian UNPROFOR
battalion and UN military observers, said Gen. Cot's spokesman.
The Croatian army on Tuesday disarmed four members of the Canadian
battalion and two UN military observers in the vicinity of Medak
(150 km S. of Karlovac) and took them to the police station.
Gen. Cot described the incident, the second in a month, as
The Croatian Defence Ministry political department described
Gen. Cot's protest as "groundless." On both occasions (on Jan 5 and
Feb 1), UNPROFOR members were apprehended outside the UNPA, a
defence ministry official told Hina.
Head of the Croatian army Gospic sector Veselko Gabricevic on
Feb 1 forwarded a letter to UNPROFOR Commander in Sector South Col.
George Oehring, informing him that members of the Canadian
battalion and UN military observers stationed in Gracac had been
apprehended patrolling behind Croatian army positions, outside the
area under UN protection. The letter warned Col. Oehring of
possible "undesirable consequences" of such actions, said the
031808 MET feb 94
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