ZAGREB, Feb 3 (Hina) - Yasushi Akashi's spokesperson in Zagreb
Matthew Nerzig issued today a press release which says: "UNPROFOR
would like to make it absolutely clear that the remark made by
Lieutenant Jantora Strandus -- who is serving with UNPROFOR's
Norwegian medical unit in Bosnia-Herzegovina -- does not represent
in any way the position of UNPROFOR."
Lt. Strandus gave a statement last week to American
journalists saying that regular Yugoslav Army units were involved
in B-H. Newsweek and Washington Post published that statement in
their February 1 edition.
"The fact of the mater is that UNPROFOR has no conclusive
evidence that the Yugoslav Army has been crossing the border into
Bosnia-Herzegovina", concludes the press release.
031448 MET feb 94
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