SARAJEVO, May 20 (Hina) - A lull was being maintained in Sarajevo
after heavy fighting taken place on Tuesday and Wednesday, the UN
in Sarajevo said.
Out of the 1,125 incidents registered during yesterday's
"lull", a third included shellfire, the UN said. Six incidents were
blamed to the Bosnian side.
UN spokesman Alexander Ivanko enlarged on UNPROFOR's diligent
efforts to bring the sides to the negotiating table and "strengthen
the present unofficial lull."
Serb guerrillas yesterday seized another UN vehicle, which
happened to contain communication equipment, in the Sarajevo
neighbourhood of Grbavica.
The Bosnian police limited the freedom of movement of UN
personnel and vehicles across its cehckpoints in Sarajevo, fearing
a "Trojan horse" attack by Serbs hiding in a stolen UN vehicle.
(hina) jn as
201415 MET may 95
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