ZAGREB, May 4 (Hina) - Both houses of the Croatian Parliament were
addressed this morning by Prime Minister Nikica Valentic and
Ministers Jarnjak (home office), Susak (defence) and Granic
(foreign affairs).
The Prime Minister recalled that a Serb terrorist attack on
the Zagreb-Lipovac highway was first followed by a police action on
the highway and then by a joint police and military action which
had now reached the final stage.
"What's most important at the moment is that the action is
over in the entire Western Slavonia region, except for some minor
complications in the Pakrac area. First a verbal and then a written
agreement was reached yesterday that civilians and soldiers who
wished it could leave the area under specified conditions and using
certain roads. However, there have been rather blatant attempts to
evade the agreement. Armed groups are trying to break through and
to provoke further armed actions, which could have a very serious
impact on the completion of the action and, what's even more
important, on the overall strategic level," Valentic said.
Describing the missile attacks on Zagreb as a brutal,
barbarous act, the Prime Minister said it could have been expected.
"We will be prepared for any eventuality in the future," he
Civilian authorities were being established in western
Slavonia. The Government would today appoint commissioners for
newly-liberated municipalities.
"Nothwistanding any provocations, the Croatian Government once
again assures all civilians who stayed in western Slavonia that
their safety is guaranteed by the Croatian Government. Similarly,
the Croatian Government is ready to allow all Croatian citizens who
fled their villages to return to their homes and properties, on the
condition that they accept the Croatian state and its
constitutional and legal system," the Prime Minister said.
Valentic also called on the Serbs in the Pakrac area to abide
by the agreement they had signed yesterday. If they did not abide
by the agreement, the provocations in the Pakrac area might have
wider implications, he warned.
"I assure you we are ready for any eventuality," Valentic
"We want peace, we don't want war, but this action has shown
that Croatia is strong enough to achieve reintegration by peaceful
means, but also that it has sufficient potentials to liberate its
territory by military means," the Prime Minister concluded.
(hina) mm as
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